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Wednesday 12/30/20 2G Endurance Run/Row

OTF Insider Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Wednesday 12/30/20 2G Endurance Run/Row

Treadmill / Rower - 23 minutes

.5 Mile Run

50 pulsing half squats

500m row

.4 Mile Run

40 pulsing half squats

400m row

.3 Mile Run

30 pulsing half squats

300m row

.2 Mile Run

20 pulsing half squats

200m row

.1 Mile Run

10 pulsing half squats

100m row

Run for distance until time called is called

Weight Floor

Block 1 - 6.5 minutes

50 - bosu - running man (once)

12 - goblet squat

20/16/12 - bosu - single leg v up

Block 2 - 6.5 minutes

40 - bosu - running man (once)

10 (each side) - bosu - goblet lunge

20/16/12 - bosu - alternating superman

Block 3 - 6.5 minutes

30 - bosu - running man (once)

10 each side) - lateral lunge

10/8/6 - bosu - lateral crunch


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