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Wednesday 11/25/20 2G Endurance Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Wednesday 11/25/20 2G Endurance


Block 1

5 Minute Push

2.5 Minute Base

4 Minute Push

2 Minute Base

3 Minute Push

90 Second Base

2 Minute Push

1 Minute Base

1 Minute Push

30 Second Base

30 Second All Out

Rower / Weight Floor

Block 1 - 11.5 Minutes

10 - Bosu - Single Arm Shoulder Press (Each)

10 - Bosu - Pullover

10 - Good Morning To Tricep Kickback

12 - Bosu - Plank To Single Arm Leg Lift

10 - Bosu – Single Arm Shoulder Press (Each)

10 - Bosu - Pullover

10 - Good Morning To Tricep Kickback

12 - Bosu - Plank To Single Arm Leg Lift

400m Row

Block 2 - 10.5 Minutes

800m Row

12 - Bosu - Chest Fly

12 - Bosu - Back Extensions

12 - Bosu - Plank Jack

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