OTFInsider.com - Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel - Wednesday 1/22/20 3G Strength
Run / Row – Treadmill and Rowers Switch Every 4 Minutes
0.2 Mile Push
10 - Squat Jumps
If Finished, Run For Distance @ 3% Incline Until Time Called
100m Row
10 Pulsing Squats
150m Row
15 Pulsing Squats
200m Row
20 Pulsing Squats
If Finished, Row For Distance Until Time Called
Weight Floor – 14 Minute Block
10 - Ground To Press
10 - Ab Dolly - Hamstring Curl
10 - Bench Sit Up To Sumo Squat
10 - Ab Dolly - Pike
10 - Suitcase Squat To Bench Step Up
Repeat Until Time Is Called