OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 5/9/23 2G 200m Row Benchmark
Treadmill - Block 1
4 Minute Run @ Pick Your Pace
Weight Floor - Block 1 - 4 Minutes Circuit
8 X Squat To Toes
8 X TRX High Row To Low Row
8 X Hip Hinge Swing
Treadmill - Block 2
4 Minute Run @ Pick Your Pace
Weight Floor - Block 2 - 4 Minutes
200m All Out Row (0:30 - 1:00) - Once Only, Record Time (Benchmark)
10 X Low Plank To Pike
10 Total X Alt Superhero
Treadmill - Block 3
3 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
2 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
1 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
1 Minute All Out
Weight Floor - Block 3 - 10 Minutes
200m All Out Row (0:30 - 1:00) - Once Only
Circuit - Repeat Until Finisher:
6 X TRX Squat Jump
6 Each X TRX Single Leg Deadlift
10 Total X High Plank Pull Through
Finisher: 10 X High Knees To Burpee