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Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Thursday 7/4/24 3G Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Thursday 7/4/24 3G

Treadmill - 14 Minutes

⁠4 Minute Run For Distance Starting At 1%, Increase Incline By 1% Every 0.1 Miles

(Power Walkers Are Half Distance)

⁠1 Minute Walking Recovery

⁠4 Minute Tread For Distance Starting Where You Left Off, Increase Incline By 1% Every 0.1 Miles

⁠1 Minute Walking Recovery

⁠4 Minute Tread For Distance Starting Where You Left Off, Increase Incline By 1% Every 0.1 Miles


Rower - 14 Minutes

⁠14 Minute Row For Distance

Check Distance & Put Into Tracker


Weight Floor - 14 Minutes

⁠Work & Rest, Repeat Until Finisher

⁠20 - 30 X Squat To Calf Raise, Rest

⁠⁠20 - 30 X Shoulder Press, Rest

⁠⁠20 - 30 Total X Alt Reverse Lunge

⁠⁠20 - 30 X Bicep Curl, Rest

⁠⁠High Plank Until Ready For Next Round

Finisher (30 Seconds): Increase Intensity On The Exercise You Are On

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