OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Friday 4/1/22 3G
Treadmill (Endurance 14.5 mins)
1 min push
2 mins base
4 mins push
2 mins base
3 mins push
2 mins base
30 second all out
Rower (Power 14.5 mins)
200m row
6 each side x MB Static Lunge with Tricep Extension
150m row
6 each side x MB Static Lunge with Tricep Extension
100m row
6 each side x MB Static Lunge with Tricep Extension
200m row
12 x MB Good Morning
150m row
12 x MB Good Morning
100m row
12 x MB Good Morning
200m row
12 x MB Halo
150m row
12 x MB Halo
100m row
12 x MB Halo
Push Row until Finisher
30 second all out row
Weight Floor (Strength 14 mins)
Repeat 3 x
6 - 10 each reverse lunge with dumbbell (work then rest)
6 - 10 Arnold Press (work then rest)
Repeat 3 x
6 - 10 each lateral lunge with dumbbell (work then rest)
6 - 10 hammer curl to eccentric bicep curl (work then rest)
repeat all exercises as a single block
30s jump squats