OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Friday 3/3/23 2G - 2000m Benchmark
Treadmill / Weight Floor - 13 minutes
Buy-In: 0.3 Mile Push - Once Only
10 X Hip Hinge Swing
5 Each X TRX Single Arm Reach With Rotation
10 X Bent Leg Raise To Toe Reach
10 Total X Alt Super Hero
Rower / Treadmill - 13 Minutes
Reset Rower
2000m Row, Check Time
Transition To Treadmill
Repeat Until Time: 0.1 Mile Run, 30 Second Wr
Block 2
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
1 Minute All Out
Weight Floor Block 2 - 7 Minutes Circuit
10 X TRX Chest Press
10 Each X Half Kneeling Woodchopper
10 Each X Side Plank Pendulum With Kick Stand
Finisher: 1 Minute Of High Plank Or Low Plank