Sunday 8/18/19 2G Endurance
Tread (23 Minutes)
3 Minutes Push
90 Second Base
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
2 Minutes Push
90 Second Base
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
1 Minute Push
90 Second Base
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
90 Second Push
90 Second Base
30 Second Push
90 Second Base
90 Second Run for Distance
Block 1 (10.5 Minutes)
90 Second Row for Distance - Remember Distance
12 - Alternate Lunge Bicep Curl
12 - Lateral Lunge Suitcase
24 - Plank Shoulder Taps
Block 2 (8 Minutes)
12 - Weighted Front Squat to Shoulder Press
12 - Palm to Elbow
24 - Weighted Pike
90 Second Row for Distance – Try to Beat Previous Distance