Tread Block
Tread 1 (8 mins):
60 Second Push
60 Second Base
60 Second Push at 2%
60 Second Base
60 Second Push at 4%
60 Second Base
60 Second Push at 6%
30 Second Base
30 Second All Out at 8%
60 Second Walking Recovery
Tread 2 (5 mins)
60 Second Base
60 Second Base at 8%
60 Second Base at 6%
60 Second Base at 4%
60 All Out at 2%
Row block (14 mins)
100m Row
10 Jump Squats
150m Row,
10 Jump Squats
200m Row,
10 Jump Squats
250m Row,
10 Jump Squats
250m Row,
10 Reverse Lunges
200m Row,
10 Reverse Lunges
150m Row
10 Reverse Lunges
100m Row
10 Reverse Lunges
Repeat 100 M Row / 10 Reverse Lunges / Jump Squats until end of block.
Floor Block - 14 mins
Note - Use the same Dumbbell Weight throughout this block.
6 Dumbbell Dead Lifts
6 Dumbbell Squat to Bicep Curl
6 Dumbbell Front Squats
6 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
6 Dumbbell Low Row
6 Full Burpees with Pushups
12/15/18/21 Dumbbell Double Crunch. Repeat.