Monday 8/5/19 2G Strength Run/Row
Block 1
.1 Mile Push at 1%
.1 Mile Base at 7%
.1 Mile Push at 1%
400 Meter Row
Block 2
.1 Mile Push at 1%
.1 Mile Base at 6%
.1 Mile Push at 1%
350 Meter Row
Block 3
.1 Mile Push at 1%
.1 Mile Base at 5%
.1 Mile Push at 1%
300 Meter Row
Repeat Until Time Is Called – Reducing Row by 50 Meters and Incline 1%
Block 1
8 - Single Arm Chest Press
8 – Dumbbell - Lateral Fly
8/12/16 – Dumbbell - Double Crunch
Block 2
8 - Bench Low Row
8 - Dumbbell - Bench Pullover
8/12/16 x Toe Reaches
Block 3
1 Minute - Bicycle
1 Minute - Plank - Toe Taps
1 Minute - Plank - Palms to Elbows