Monday 8/26/19
3G Switch (6 Minute Blocks)
Floor 1
8 - Chest Press
8 - Push Up
8 - TRX- Triceps
16 Bicycle
Tread 1
2 Minute Push
30 Second Base
90 Second Push
30 Second Base
1 Minute Push
30 Second All Out
Row 1
500m Row
8 Pulse Squat with Med Ball Front Raise
350m Row
8 Pulse Squat with Med Ball Front Raise
200m Row
8 Pulse Squat with Med Ball Front Raise
Floor 2
All On Ab Dolly
8 - Pike
8 - Knee Tuck
8 - Roll Out
8 - Hamstring Curl
Tread 2
2 Minute Push
30 Second Base
90 Second Push
30 Second Base
1 Minute Push
30 Second All Out
Row 2
2 Minute Row For Distance
8 Pulse Squat With Med Ball Front Raise
Decrease Your Distance By 150m followed by Squats
Repeat until time is called