OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Monday 3/8/21 3G Endurance – 1 Mile Benchmark
Treadmill - 14 Minutes
1 Mile Benchmark Run
Once Finished, Repeat The Following:
0.1 Mile Run
30 Second Walking Recovery
Rower - 14 Minutes
600m Row
15 Squats
500m Row
15 Squats
400m Row
15 Squats
300m Row
15 Squats
200m Row
15 Squats
100m Row
15 Squats
Row For Distance
Weight Floor - 14 Minutes
10 - Bench Step Up To Knee Raise
10 Each – TRX - Squat Reach To Rotation
10 - Stationary High Knee
10 – TRX - Bridge Row