OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Friday 10/23/20 2G Endurance Run/Row
Treadmill / Rower
1 Minute Push
30 Second Base
2 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
3 Minute Push
90 Second Base
0.1 Mile Run
100M Row
0.2 Mile Run
200m Row
0.3 Mile Run
300m Row
0.4 Mile Run
400m Row
Row For Distance Until Time is Called
Weight Floor
Block 1
5 - Mini Band - Walk Out
5 - Mini Band - 4 Point Glide
Complete 3 Rounds
12 - Pullover
12 - TRX - Rollout
12 - TRX - Tricep Extension
12 - TRX - Squat To Rotation
Block 2
10 - Bench Low Row
10 - TRX - Tricep Extensions
10 - TRX - Reverse Fly
10 - TRX - Bicep Curl To Squat