OTF Insider

Nov 8, 2022

Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 11/08/22 2G

OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 11/08/22 2G


30 Second Push

90 Second Base

45 Second Push

90 Second Base

1 Minute Push

90 Second Base

75 Second Push

90 Second Base

90 Second Push

90 Second Base

2 Minute Push

90 Second Base

2.5 Minute Push

90 Second Base

2 Minute Push

1 Minute All Out

Rower / Weight Floor

Block 1 - 2.75 Minutes Circuit

5 X Bench Plank Pop

5 Each X Transverse Full Step Up To Knee Raise

Block 2 - 10.25 Minutes

3 Rounds Of Work & Rest:

4 - 8 Each X Rfe Split Squat Jump, Rest

4 - 8 Each X Neutral Grip Thruster

3 Rounds Of Rack & Rest:

150m All Out Row

If Finished Then Repeat Exercises Only As A Single Block

Block 3 - 7 Minutes Work & Rest

4 - 8 Each X Single Arm Hip Hinge Swing, Rest

4 - 8 Each X Single Arm Chest Press (Explosive Tempo), Rest

12 Total X Lateral Hop Over, Rest

Finisher: 1 Minute Of Neutral Grip Thrusters
